FOXA2 Break Apart FISH Probe

This gene encodes a member of the forkhead class of DNA-binding proteins. These hepatocyte nuclear factors are transcriptional activators for liver-specific genes such as albumin and transthyretin, and they also interact with chromatin. Similar family members in mice have roles in the regulation of metabolism and in the differentiation of the pancreas and liver. This gene has been linked to sporadic cases of maturity-onset diabetes of the young. Transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been identified for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2008]

Gene Details
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Gene Summary

This gene encodes a member of the forkhead class of DNA-binding proteins. These hepatocyte nuclear factors are transcriptional activators for liver-specific genes such as albumin and transthyretin, and they also interact with chromatin. Similar family members in mice have roles in the regulation of metabolism and in the differentiation of the pancreas and liver. This gene has been linked to sporadic cases of maturity-onset diabetes of the young. Transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been identified for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2008]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol : FOXA2

Gene Name : Forkhead box A2

Chromosome : CHR 20: 225,854,62-225,810,03

Locus : 20p11.21

Alt. Genes : TRAP1

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