HSF1 Break Apart FISH Probe

The product of this gene is a transcription factor that is rapidly induced after temperature stress and binds heat shock promoter elements (HSE). This protein plays a role in the regulation of lifespan. Expression of this gene is repressed by phosphorylation, which promotes binding by heat shock protein 90. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2017]

Gene Details
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Gene Summary

The product of this gene is a transcription factor that is rapidly induced after temperature stress and binds heat shock promoter elements (HSE). This protein plays a role in the regulation of lifespan. Expression of this gene is repressed by phosphorylation, which promotes binding by heat shock protein 90. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2017]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol : HSF1

Gene Name : Heat shock transcription factor 1

Chromosome : CHR 8: 144,291,587-144,314,721

Locus : 8q24.3

Alt. Genes : CELA3A

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