HSP90AA2P Break Apart FISH Probe

HSP90 proteins are highly conserved molecular chaperones that have key roles in signal transduction, protein folding, protein degradation, and morphologic evolution. HSP90 proteins normally associate with other cochaperones and play important roles in folding newly synthesized proteins or stabilizing and refolding denatured proteins after stress. HSP90AA2 is a cytosolic HSP90 protein. Other HSP90 proteins are found in endoplasmic reticulum (HSP90B1; MIM 191175) and mitochondria (TRAP1; MIM 606219) (Chen et al., 2005 [PubMed 16269234]). See HSP90AA1 (MIM 140571) for further information on HSP90 proteins.[supplied by OMIM, Aug 2008]

Gene Details
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Gene Summary

HSP90 proteins are highly conserved molecular chaperones that have key roles in signal transduction, protein folding, protein degradation, and morphologic evolution. HSP90 proteins normally associate with other cochaperones and play important roles in folding newly synthesized proteins or stabilizing and refolding denatured proteins after stress. HSP90AA2 is a cytosolic HSP90 protein. Other HSP90 proteins are found in endoplasmic reticulum (HSP90B1; MIM 191175) and mitochondria (TRAP1; MIM 606219) (Chen et al., 2005 [PubMed 16269234]). See HSP90AA1 (MIM 140571) for further information on HSP90 proteins.[supplied by OMIM, Aug 2008]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol : HSP90AA2P

Gene Name : Heat shock protein 90 alpha family class A member 2, pseudogene

Chromosome : CHR 11: 278,910,91-278,881,70

Locus : 11p14.1

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