HTR6 Break Apart FISH Probe

This gene encodes a protein that belongs to the seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor family of proteins. The encoded protein couples with the Gs alpha subunit and stimulates adenylate cyclase to activate the cyclic AMP-dependent signaling pathway. This receptor is thought to regulate cholinergic neuronal transmission in the brain. Several antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs have a high affinity for this receptor. [provided by RefSeq, Aug 2013]

Gene Details
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Gene Summary

This gene encodes a protein that belongs to the seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor family of proteins. The encoded protein couples with the Gs alpha subunit and stimulates adenylate cyclase to activate the cyclic AMP-dependent signaling pathway. This receptor is thought to regulate cholinergic neuronal transmission in the brain. Several antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs have a high affinity for this receptor. [provided by RefSeq, Aug 2013]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol : HTR6

Gene Name : 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 6

Chromosome : CHR 1: 196,652,86-196,809,65

Locus : 1p36.13

Alt. Genes : LRPPRC

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