INHA Break Apart FISH Probe

This gene encodes a member of the TGF-beta (transforming growth factor-beta) superfamily of proteins. The encoded preproprotein is proteolytically processed to generate multiple peptide products, including the alpha subunit of the inhibin A and B protein complexes. These complexes negatively regulate follicle stimulating hormone secretion from the pituitary gland. Inhibins have also been implicated in regulating numerous cellular processes including cell proliferation, apoptosis, immune response and hormone secretion. Mutations in this gene may be associated with male infertility and premature ovarian failure in female human patients. [provided by RefSeq, Aug 2016]

Gene Details
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Gene Summary

This gene encodes a member of the TGF-beta (transforming growth factor-beta) superfamily of proteins. The encoded preproprotein is proteolytically processed to generate multiple peptide products, including the alpha subunit of the inhibin A and B protein complexes. These complexes negatively regulate follicle stimulating hormone secretion from the pituitary gland. Inhibins have also been implicated in regulating numerous cellular processes including cell proliferation, apoptosis, immune response and hormone secretion. Mutations in this gene may be associated with male infertility and premature ovarian failure in female human patients. [provided by RefSeq, Aug 2016]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol : INHA

Gene Name : Inhibin alpha subunit

Chromosome : CHR 2: 219,572,231-219,575,712

Locus : 2q35

Alt. Genes : ZNF263

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