ITPK1 Break Apart FISH Probe

This gene encodes an enzyme that belongs to the inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate 5/6-kinase family. This enzyme regulates the synthesis of inositol tetraphosphate, and downstream products, inositol pentakisphosphate and inositol hexakisphosphate. Inositol metabolism plays a role in the development of the neural tube. Disruptions in this gene are thought to be associated with neural tube defects. A pseudogene of this gene has been identified on chromosome X. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2016]

Gene Details
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Gene Summary

This gene encodes an enzyme that belongs to the inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate 5/6-kinase family. This enzyme regulates the synthesis of inositol tetraphosphate, and downstream products, inositol pentakisphosphate and inositol hexakisphosphate. Inositol metabolism plays a role in the development of the neural tube. Disruptions in this gene are thought to be associated with neural tube defects. A pseudogene of this gene has been identified on chromosome X. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2016]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol : ITPK1

Gene Name : Inositol-tetrakisphosphate 1-kinase

Chromosome : CHR 14: 931,159,17-929,369,13

Locus : 14q32.12

Alt. Genes : PREB

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