JUND Break Apart FISH Probe

The protein encoded by this intronless gene is a member of the JUN family, and a functional component of the AP1 transcription factor complex. This protein has been proposed to protect cells from p53-dependent senescence and apoptosis. Alternative translation initiation site usage results in the production of different isoforms (PMID:12105216). [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2013]

Gene Details
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Gene Summary

The protein encoded by this intronless gene is a member of the JUN family, and a functional component of the AP1 transcription factor complex. This protein has been proposed to protect cells from p53-dependent senescence and apoptosis. Alternative translation initiation site usage results in the production of different isoforms (PMID:12105216). [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2013]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol : JUND

Gene Name : JunD proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit

Chromosome : CHR 19: 182,816,55-182,796,93

Locus : 19p13.11

Alt. Genes : TSHZ1

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