JUP Break Apart FISH Probe

This gene encodes a major cytoplasmic protein which is the only known constituent common to submembranous plaques of both desmosomes and intermediate junctions. This protein forms distinct complexes with cadherins and desmosomal cadherins and is a member of the catenin family since it contains a distinct repeating amino acid motif called the armadillo repeat. Mutation in this gene has been associated with Naxos disease. Alternative splicing occurs in this gene; however, not all transcripts have been fully described. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

Gene Details
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Gene Summary

This gene encodes a major cytoplasmic protein which is the only known constituent common to submembranous plaques of both desmosomes and intermediate junctions. This protein forms distinct complexes with cadherins and desmosomal cadherins and is a member of the catenin family since it contains a distinct repeating amino acid motif called the armadillo repeat. Mutation in this gene has been associated with Naxos disease. Alternative splicing occurs in this gene; however, not all transcripts have been fully described. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol : JUP

Gene Name : Junction plakoglobin

Chromosome : CHR 17: 417,868,52-417,546,06

Locus : 17q21.2

Alt. Genes : ABI2

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