KIF11 Break Apart FISH Probe

This gene encodes a motor protein that belongs to the kinesin-like protein family. Members of this protein family are known to be involved in various kinds of spindle dynamics. The function of this gene product includes chromosome positioning, centrosome separation and establishing a bipolar spindle during cell mitosis. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

Gene Details
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Gene Summary

This gene encodes a motor protein that belongs to the kinesin-like protein family. Members of this protein family are known to be involved in various kinds of spindle dynamics. The function of this gene product includes chromosome positioning, centrosome separation and establishing a bipolar spindle during cell mitosis. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol : KIF11

Gene Name : Kinesin family member 11

Chromosome : CHR 10: 925,930,67-926,553,94

Locus : 10q23.33

Alt. Genes : YAF2

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