LAMP2 Break Apart FISH Probe

The protein encoded by this gene is a member of a family of membrane glycoproteins. This glycoprotein provides selectins with carbohydrate ligands. It may play a role in tumor cell metastasis. It may also function in the protection, maintenance, and adhesion of the lysosome. Alternative splicing of this gene results in multiple transcript variants encoding distinct proteins. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

Gene Details
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Gene Summary

The protein encoded by this gene is a member of a family of membrane glycoproteins. This glycoprotein provides selectins with carbohydrate ligands. It may play a role in tumor cell metastasis. It may also function in the protection, maintenance, and adhesion of the lysosome. Alternative splicing of this gene results in multiple transcript variants encoding distinct proteins. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol : LAMP2

Gene Name : Lysosomal associated membrane protein 2

Chromosome : CHR X: 120,469,348-120,426,147

Locus : Xq24

Alt. Genes : FEM1B

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