Break Apart FISH Probes

Break apart probes are designed to detect translocations. The probes are designed to flank either side of a gene so that in the event of a translocation, the two colors will split. Can't find the break apart probe you need?

Gene Chromosome Region SKU View
IFNA20P Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 9: 213,212,99-213,218,26 9p21.3 IFNA20PBA-20-OR Request Pricing
IFNR Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 16: 0-0 - IFNRBA-20-OR Request Pricing
IFNW1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 9: 211,419,00-211,406,31 9p21.3 IFNW1BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IFNWP19 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 9: 214,554,38-214,560,67 9p21.3 IFNWP19BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IFRD1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 7: 112,423,143-112,477,202 7q31.1 IFRD1BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGBP1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR X: 701,334,48-701,663,23 Xq13.1 IGBP1BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGES Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 5: 0-0 5q31.1 IGESBA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGF1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 12: 102,481,838-102,395,866 12q23.2 IGF1BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGF1R Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 15: 986,485,38-989,645,29 15q26.3 IGF1RBA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGF2 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 11: 214,960,2-212,911,1 11p15.5 IGF2BA-20-OR Request Pricing