Break Apart FISH Probes

Break apart probes are designed to detect translocations. The probes are designed to flank either side of a gene so that in the event of a translocation, the two colors will split. Can't find the break apart probe you need?

Gene Chromosome Region SKU View
RBPJP2 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 9: 666,355,78-666,378,51 9q21.11 RBPJP2BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGKV@ Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 2: 0-0 2p12 IGKV@BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGKV3OR2-268 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 2: 0-0 2p12 IGKV3OR2-268BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGKV1OR1-1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 1: 144,085,612-144,086,352 1q21.1 IGKV1OR1-1BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGKV3OR22-2 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 22: 169,264,43-169,260,49 22q11.1 IGKV3OR22-2BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGKV2OR22-3 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 22: 169,219,36-169,213,23 22q11.1 IGKV2OR22-3BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGKV1OR22-1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 22: 169,346,52-169,327,26 22q11.1 IGKV1OR22-1BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGKV1OR2-1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 2: 0-0 2p11.1 IGKV1OR2-1BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGKV1OR-2 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 9: 647,655,38-647,650,55 9q13 IGKV1OR-2BA-20-OR Request Pricing
IGKV1OR-4 Break Apart FISH Probe - - IGKV1OR-4BA-20-OR Request Pricing