Gene Details
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TBCD-RPTOR-20-RERE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-REOR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-REGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-REGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-REAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-ORRE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-OROR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-ORGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-ORGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-ORAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-GORE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-GOOR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-GOGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-GOGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-GOAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-GRRE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-GROR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-GRGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-GRGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-GRAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-AQRE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-AQOR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-AQGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-AQGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TBCD-RPTOR-20-AQAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing

TBCD Summary

Cofactor D is one of four proteins (cofactors A, D, E, and C) involved in the pathway leading to correctly folded beta-tubulin from folding intermediates. Cofactors A and D are believed to play a role in capturing and stabilizing beta-tubulin intermediates in a quasi-native confirmation. Cofactor E binds to the cofactor D/beta-tubulin complex; interaction with cofactor C then causes the release of beta-tubulin polypeptides that are committed to the native state. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

TBCD Details

Gene Symbol : TBCD

Gene Name : Tubulin folding cofactor D

Chromosome : CHR 17: 827,520,47-829,431,85

Locus : 17q25.3

RPTOR Summary

This gene encodes a component of a signaling pathway that regulates cell growth in response to nutrient and insulin levels. The encoded protein forms a stoichiometric complex with the mTOR kinase, and also associates with eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein-1 and ribosomal protein S6 kinase. The protein positively regulates the downstream effector ribosomal protein S6 kinase, and negatively regulates the mTOR kinase. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Sep 2009]

RPTOR Details

Gene Symbol : RPTOR

Gene Name : Regulatory associated protein of MTOR complex 1

Chromosome : CHR 17: 805,448,24-809,663,72

Locus : 17q25.3

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