TCF7L1-WIF1 Fusion FISH Probe

Gene Details
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TCF7L1-WIF1-20-RERE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-REOR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-REGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-REGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-REAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-ORRE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-OROR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-ORGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-ORGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-ORAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-GORE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-GOOR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-GOGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-GOGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-GOAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-GRRE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-GROR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-GRGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-GRGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-GRAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-AQRE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-AQOR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-AQGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-AQGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing
TCF7L1-WIF1-20-AQAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color color Request Pricing

WIF1 Summary

The protein encoded by this gene functions to inhibit WNT proteins, which are extracellular signaling molecules that play a role in embryonic development. This protein contains a WNT inhibitory factor (WIF) domain and five epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains, and is thought to be involved in mesoderm segmentation. This gene functions as a tumor suppressor gene, and has been found to be epigenetically silenced in various cancers. [provided by RefSeq, Jun 2010]

WIF1 Details

Gene Symbol : WIF1

Gene Name : WNT inhibitory factor 1

Chromosome : CHR 12: 651,215,65-650,506,23

Locus : 12q14.3

TCF7L1 Summary

This gene encodes a member of the T cell factor/lymphoid enhancer factor family of transcription factors. These transcription factors are activated by beta catenin, mediate the Wnt signaling pathway and are antagonized by the transforming growth factor beta signaling pathway. The encoded protein contains a high mobility group-box DNA binding domain and participates in the regulation of cell cycle genes and cellular senescence. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2010]

TCF7L1 Details

Gene Symbol : TCF7L1

Gene Name : Transcription factor 7 like 1

Chromosome : CHR 2: 851,334,59-853,103,87

Locus : 2p11.2

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