Microtubules of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton perform essential and diverse functions and are composed of a heterodimer of alpha and beta tubulin. The genes encoding these microtubule constituents are part of the tubulin superfamily, which is composed of six distinct families. Genes from the alpha, beta and gamma tubulin families are found in all eukaryotes. The alpha and beta tubulins represent the major components of microtubules, while gamma tubulin plays a critical role in the nucleation of microtubule assembly. This gene encodes an alpha tubulin that highly conserved among species. A missense mutation in this gene has been potentially linked to microlissencephaly and global developmental delay. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2016]

Gene Details
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TUBA3E-20-RE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color Request Pricing
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TUBA3E-20-GR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color Request Pricing
TUBA3E-20-AQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL color Request Pricing

Gene Summary

Microtubules of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton perform essential and diverse functions and are composed of a heterodimer of alpha and beta tubulin. The genes encoding these microtubule constituents are part of the tubulin superfamily, which is composed of six distinct families. Genes from the alpha, beta and gamma tubulin families are found in all eukaryotes. The alpha and beta tubulins represent the major components of microtubules, while gamma tubulin plays a critical role in the nucleation of microtubule assembly. This gene encodes an alpha tubulin that highly conserved among species. A missense mutation in this gene has been potentially linked to microlissencephaly and global developmental delay. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2016]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol : TUBA3E

Gene Name : Tubulin alpha 3e

Chromosome : CHR 2: 130,198,460-130,191,744

Locus : 2q21.1

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