Break Apart FISH Probes

Break apart probes are designed to detect translocations. The probes are designed to flank either side of a gene so that in the event of a translocation, the two colors will split. Can't find the break apart probe you need?

Gene Chromosome Region SKU View
HTR2C Break Apart FISH Probe CHR X: 114,584,077-114,910,060 Xq23 HTR2CBA-20-OR Request Pricing
HTR3A Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 11: 113,975,074-113,990,312 11q23.2 HTR3ABA-20-OR Request Pricing
HTR4 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 5: 148,654,526-148,451,031 5q32 HTR4BA-20-OR Request Pricing
HTR5A Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 7: 155,070,323-155,087,391 7q36.2 HTR5ABA-20-OR Request Pricing
HTR6 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 1: 196,652,86-196,809,65 1p36.13 HTR6BA-20-OR Request Pricing
HTR7 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 10: 908,579,13-907,408,17 10q23.31 HTR7BA-20-OR Request Pricing
HUS1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 7: 479,796,24-479,629,79 7p12.3 HUS1BA-20-OR Request Pricing
HVBS7 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 18: 0-0 18q11.1-q11.2 HVBS7BA-20-OR Request Pricing
HVBS8 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 17: 0-0 17p12-p11.2 HVBS8BA-20-OR Request Pricing
TNC Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 9: 115,118,256-115,019,574 9q33.1 TNCBA-20-OR Request Pricing