Break Apart FISH Probes

Break apart probes are designed to detect translocations. The probes are designed to flank either side of a gene so that in the event of a translocation, the two colors will split. Can't find the break apart probe you need?

Gene Chromosome Region SKU View
LAMB3 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 1: 209,653,076-209,614,869 1q32.2 LAMB3BA-20-OR Request Pricing
LAMC1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 1: 183,023,459-183,145,591 1q25.3 LAMC1BA-20-OR Request Pricing
LAMP1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 13: 113,297,153-113,323,430 13q34 LAMP1BA-20-OR Request Pricing
LAMC2 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 1: 183,186,038-183,245,126 1q25.3 LAMC2BA-20-OR Request Pricing
LAMP2 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR X: 120,469,348-120,426,147 Xq24 LAMP2BA-20-OR Request Pricing
RPSA Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 3: 394,066,88-394,125,41 3p22.1 RPSABA-20-OR Request Pricing
RPSAP13 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 14: 550,057,62-550,047,54 14q22.3 RPSAP13BA-20-OR Request Pricing
RPSAP14 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR X: 740,314,60-740,318,38 Xq13.2 RPSAP14BA-20-OR Request Pricing
STMN1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 1: 259,068,76-258,841,85 1p36.11 STMN1BA-20-OR Request Pricing
LASP1 Break Apart FISH Probe CHR 17: 388,698,58-389,217,69 17q12 LASP1BA-20-OR Request Pricing